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What's Your Word?

faith healthy thinking rooted bible reading plans

I have always looked forward to the fresh start January brings. I love the expectation of new achieved goals and dreams. What changes, goals, and transformation do you want to see in your life this year?

My friend Theresa asks the Lord for a single word that will frame her new year. Then she keeps that word in the forefront always looking for how God is moving in her life with that focus.

Sometimes the Lord gives me a verse for the new year and other times a word or a theme. For example, a couple of years ago my word for the year was RATOO an acronym for: Rest, Ask Scott first before making plans, Think Of Others. Throughout the year God patiently reminded me of my tendency to be single focused. I still have work to do in those areas, but as I look back I know God helped me grow.

This year my word - and my hearts' desire - is TRANSFORMATION.

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.  Romans 12:2 NLT

Transformation happens in the small moments of each day - but it doesn't take place without intentionality. Transformation requires being purposeful and attentive.

What does transformation mean for someone who loves God? Does it mean we clean up our act, change our attitude, or live by a particular set of rules and regulations?


Transformation is not a change that occurs simply because we change our behavior. It is a cooperation between the work of the Holy Spirit in our life and our obedience. It happens in the everyday moments when we listen carefully to God's voice and respond.

Transformation is a cooperation between our obedience and the work of the Holy Spirit in our life.

In the original Greek language of the New Testament, the word used for transformation is metamorphosis. A caterpillar changing into a butterfly is a good picture of this inward change. Every day we are given the opportunity to move from:

  • unhealthy to healthy
  • immaturity to maturity
  • self-centered to Christ-like.

Transformation occurs in your thinking, words, actions, responses, and character.

As I have been praying, listening, and quietly resting in thought, I sense God's leading in these three areas for potential growth and transformation:

  • 1st 15 - no glowing screens. What happens during the 1st 15 minutes of my day imprints me and frames my day. I am choosing to sit quietly with my coffee and spend this short time in thankfulness. I will start a Gratitude journal and write down the simple, but often unnoticed blessings from God.
  • Slowing down in God's Word. More is not better - for me! I have tried reading through the Bible in one year and it turned into a drudgery instead of a joy. I have read a new short devotional every day and then forgotten most everything by noon. This year I am taking one verse or story for an entire week, meditating on it, memorizing it, and listening to how God speaks to me through it.
  • A weekly rhythm of rest and renewal. I have always enjoyed Sundays, but this year I want to be sure that by the end of the day my body, soul, and spirit are rested and renewed. This will mean worship, simple meals, time with family and friends, naps, being outdoors, and whatever else is restful and restorative.

What changes, goals, and transformation do you want to see in your life this year?

Join the Community

As you look forward to this next year and transformation, I invite you to join the community who are journeying through the Rooted Bible Reading Plans

These are simple, meditative Reading Plans to help you center your life daily around God's Word.