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An Invitation to Wonder

bible study don't miss the wonder faith invitation to wonder

I want to reclaim a word that the enemy of our souls has stolen and twisted into lies: Imagination. 


I believe one of the greatest gifts God gives us is imagination. It's the ability to see things not visible, to form new ideas, and to create with mental pictures. 

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "the evidence of things not seen."

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see. (NET)

How are you convinced of something you do not actually see? How do you get that picture in your mind in the first place?

The dictionary says imagine means: the act of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. 

That sounds to me like Hebrews 11:1!

Now, with that being said, I believe there are parameters that we need to use when imagining. 

Align With God's Word

What we imagine needs to come in agreement with God's Word.

2 Corinthians 10:5 describes imaginations that exalt themselves higher than the knowledge of God. You are in charge of your imagination so be sure that each thought lines up with Scripture and is obedient to Christ.

Here are tips for using your imagination when studying the Bible:

  1. Use the Biblical facts you do have in each story as guardrails and then read and imagine with your head and your heart.

  2. Place yourself in the scene and allow the story to unfold. What time of day is it? What smells are in the air? Is it an urban or a rural setting? Are you inside or outside? What sounds or noises do you hear? What’s the landscape like? What’s the weather like? Where are you?

  3. Picture the characters in the story. How many people are there? Are they rich, middle-class, or poor? Are they young or old? Is it crowded? Who is close to you? What are the occupations of the people around you? What is the mood? Are you standing or sitting? Through whose perspective are you looking? Are you a bystander or one of the disciples? Are you Jesus? Are you a child or an adult?
  4. Listen as God speaks to you as you experience the sights and sounds through your senses.

  5. Be encouraged to ponder, question, and wonder; asking the Holy Spirit to guide you.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened. . . Ephesians 1:18a NASB

The "eyes of our heart" is our inner ability to see and understand things that are not physically visible.

The Passion Translation writes it this way: I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination. . . 

That's my prayer for you and me today. Let God's Word become alive to you through WONDER!

Check out my INVITATION TO WONDER devotional series. 

Won * der

(noun) A feeling of amazement and admiration,
caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.

A desire to know something thoroughly;

(verb) To feel curious and engage in imagination.