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Rise Up a Warrior Mother

bible study courageous pioneers

Quiet down and eat your breakfast.  

My mother-in-law corralled the children at the table as I finished pinning my hair under my headscarf. I only had a few minutes before I needed to leave for work where I would spend my day immersed in the problems of the people of Israel. 

I glanced out the window and saw Lappidoth at his workshop next to our home. He was a renowned master craftsman, and his outdoor smithy was already ablaze with a fire hot enough to work with gold, silver, and bronze.  

I notice he consistently glances toward the front door, and I know that he is waiting for me to leave. He worries about me walking by myself, although it is only a short distance to the grove of date palms where I hold court each day. 

Life has settled down in Bethel after our conquest of the Promised Land, but as a nation we have failed to continue to obey the commandments of the Lord. The hearts of my people have moved far from God as they have intermarried with the sons and daughters of the land and have brought the images of other gods into their homes. 

My hearts mourns a song of repentance.

Jehovah, you are compassionate and gracious.

Continue to be slow to anger and abounding in love toward your people.

Don’t treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

For as high as the Heavens are above the earth, so great is your love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far will you remove our    transgressions from us.

Suddenly my song is interrupted with the whisper of God.

I have heard this reverberating in my spirit many times as God has given me wisdom to make impartial judgements and decisions with the problems that occur daily in our community.

Deborah, it’s time to return your hearts to me. I hear your cry, and the cries of your people, and will bring deliverance.

Arise, Deborah, as a mother in Israel. 

I look at my children and my heart soars.

Oh, Lord God of Israel, you know I care for your people with the heart of a mother. I daily labor and plead with you over their hearts, which are far from you. 

I sensed the assurance of God, but there was more.

Yes Deborah, you are a faithful mother to my people; your words and actions are filled with wisdom, compassion, and care.

I want you to arise, now, as a warrior mother in Israel.

Be strong, be courageous and lead your people into deliverance from your oppressor King Jabin.

Call forth the commander Barak and 10,000 warriors.

I will go before you and bring you victory.

I quickly grabbed my coat, rushed through the front walkway with a wave to my husband, and scurried down the path.

Strength and determination filled me to the core. A strategy was forming in my mind.

This was the day, and I was the woman God was calling and equipping to bring freedom to his people.


Villages were deserted, they were deserted in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, a mother in Israel. Judges 5:7 HCSB

Friend, I took liberty in Deborah’s story to help us picture what this experience in her life may have looked like. We don’t know if she had children, but we do know that she was called to arise a mother in Israel and bring liberation and peace again to the land. 

Deborah has quite the impressive resume. She is the current prophet and judge in Israel, and she is the voice of authority, a warrior, singer, poet, and leader. She was a woman of wisdom, discernment, and she clearly heard the voice of God.

(Artist Jayne Poli) 

Judges 5 is titled the song of Deborah and she begins by telling us of the situation in Israel.

At this time in history, Israel is under the rule of King Jabin, a Cannanite king. The commander of his army was Sisera, who had ruthlessly oppressed the people for 20 years. 

Life was miserable. It wasn’t safe to travel. The environment was toxic. Oppression covered the land. The people’s hearts were discouraged, and they began to cry out for God to save them. 

This was life, until Deborah arose a mother in Israel.


What does it mean to arise a mother?

To get a better understanding let’s take a closer look at the word arise.

Hebrew scholars teach that the phrase then she arose, is an idiom; a phrase or expression that is figurative.

Examples of idioms that you might recognize would be:

  • I put my foot down.
  • It is raining cats and dogs.
  • The lightbulb went on in my head.

An idiom is an expression that describes much more than the individual literal words mean.

Deborah arose a mother means so much more than getting up out of her lawn chair from under the date palm tree. Arising a mother is an action coming from a heart filled with determination.

Arising a mother is an action coming from a heart filled with determination. 

Deborah took charge, fixed her eyes on God, and moved into warrior mother mode. She hears God declare that he is going to give them victory over their oppressors, and she responds.

  • She takes the lead.
  • She speaks what she hears God say.
  • She encourages the commander Barak.
  • She takes a supportive role by going with Barak into battle.
  • She was willing to get her hands dirty.
  • She didn’t say, I will sit here under my palm tree and pray for you. She got on her horse and rode to the battlefield with the troops. 

Deborah arose a mother in Israel.


RISE UP is the action and attitude that changes everything!

Think about your circles of influence, your tribes. Who is going to arise a mother and make a difference in the lives of the people?

I think about my tribes.

  • My inner circle is my family and friends. I bring the care and tenderness of a mother, but there are times when I need to press in and fight like a warrior mom, Nana, and true friend.
  • I think of when my daughters were in school and the impactful role I took in that tribe of school friends, parents, teachers, coaches, teams and administrations. It took a lot of time to be actively involved, but it was right where God had placed me and my family. Maybe you have school-age children. Will you arise a mother in the school your kids attend and bring influence and solutions?
  • My church needs warrior mothers; so does yours. I want to take my time on Sunday mornings and look around me. Who needs me to stand in the gap in prayer and speak truth and encouragement?


Where do you need to stand up straight and strong with courage, and fight for those you love?



Deborah heard God say – it’s time for freedom from oppression.

So, she immediately summoned the commander Barak.

Call out 10,000 warriors. . . go and march. . . God is declaring war on our oppressors, and He will give us the victory!

Deborah did not question God’s voice or wonder what Barak would say. Her only response was to follow God’s command. She did not let anything get in her way of obedience.

Where do you need to arise in obedience as a mother and bring freedom and wholeness into people’s lives?

Your world needs warrior mothers.

Will you say yes? 

Can you fill in the blanks?

Until I, _____________ arose a mother in ____________.


Deborah is one of the women you will study in Becky's NEWEST Bible Study. 

Courageous Pioneers is a Bible study journey through the lives of 4 women. 

  1. Sarah pioneered a nation.
  2. Esther pioneered freedom
  3. Hannah pioneered the fresh voice of God.
  4. Deborah pioneered leadership. 

These women blazed the path before us - experiencing the God-adventure through joy and hardship as they marked and improved the trail for us to follow.

YOU ARE ALSO A COURAGEOUS PIONEER - making a difference in the lives of others!

What you'll get when you purchase:

  • The Courageous Pioneer course will be in Your Personal Library available 24/7
  • A 107-page Bible Study workbook will be mailed to you mid-February
  • 4 Video Teachings from Becky
  • 5 Conversations with Pioneer Women JUST LIKE YOU.

This Bible Study is EXCELLENT for both personal study and small groups.