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My One Word for LIFE

Yearly I ask God how he wants to frame my new year and what word would describe the transformation he wants to bring into my life. Every year has been amazing and transformative as I keep that One Word in front of me as I journey through the next 12 months.

A word for the year is great way to keep God-focused and heart-ready for transformation, but have you also considered asking God for a word and verse for your business, or your next season of life?

A Word For Your Business, For Your Next Chapter

When I retired from my pastoral position and started writing Bible studies and devotionals, I wrote a mission statement for my writing career and asked God for a banner word that would describe the heart of the ministry.

That word is FLOURISH!

Flourish describes how I want to live my life – everyday, every season, and in every situation - and what I want to share with others.

Flourish means to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.

When your life is flourishing you are thriving, bearing fruit, and prospering.

It also includes finding fulfillment in our lives, accomplishing meaningful and worthwhile tasks, and connecting with others at a deeper level.  

A Flourishing Life

I named my ministry A Flourishing Life and my focus is working with women like YOU.  

I LOVE creating rhythms that promote growth and connecting you with life springs of health for your spirit, soul, and body.

Rhythms That Flourish

To me living a flourishing life means:

  • NOURISHING a rhythm in God's Word 

  • Living in HEALTHY community

  • Abiding in the right CAPACITY for my life and home

  • CULTIVATING what matters

    and most of all. . . being a woman who is GOD-CENTERED and HOLY SPIRIT-LED.

Learn. Grow. Thrive

How can you join this journey to learn, grow, and thrive?

It’s easy.

➡️Join my Flourishing Life Newsletter list and you will be inspired with ideas to flourish, thrive, and also keep up-to-date with the latest resources that will help you learn and grow.

➡️Join a Masterclass or a Bible Study.